Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hoping this isn't a permanent state of affairs

Hi guys! Yep, it's been a sparse 2009 in magicalmonkey land. I hope inspiration will kick in again, but for now I've needed to let some things go in my life to make room for other things.

Neverdones: retired
No more, y'all! It was a great series and really spurred me to tackle new things in my life, but eventually my neverdones -- or, rather, writing about my neverdones -- became just another pressure. And trust me, additional pressure is something I don't need. :)

Another 5K
Yesterday I ran the GHS Swamp Rabbit 5K, my first race since November 2008 in which I busted the 30-minute barrier. An injury in January and flareups of a couple biomechanical issues have hampered my training this year.....which was reflected in this weekend's disappointing 34:19 time. I had to walk three times! Auuuuugh!! I must get hardcore on my own ass again.

Immediate future
MUST get work under control. NEED to spend more time with family. WANT to hang with friends more often. WILL kick up my workouts a notch. Those are the goals that are at the top of the list now -- yay, focus! :) I've finally signed up for and have learned to appreciate Facebook, so hop over there and look for me. The short-and-sweet blips are much more conducive to my schedule than blogging.

Later, ppl! Check back now and then in case I've had the time or inspiration to post.