Thursday, July 31, 2008

Name that gizmo / round 3

Andy Warhol once said, "People are always so boring when they band together. You have to be alone to develop all the idiosyncrasies that make a person interesting."

Do you agree? I agree. Of course, there's a catch-22 in there somewhere. A non-joiner may become a wildly fascinating human....but since s/he is a non-joiner, will anyone ever truly know s/he is wildly fascinating? If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear, does it really make a sound?

Alice Thomas Ellis said, "There is no reciprocity. Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters."

Do you agree with that one? I don't, even though it makes me chuckle. I googled Alice, and I think she was a tad ill-disposed. Don't listen to her.

Aldous Huxley shared, "An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex."

Agree? Disagree? Hmmmmmm. I.....think I must....disagree, if only by reason of semantics. Sex and intellect have too much to do with mood. At times I might be more interested in some cerebral topic than sex, but -- given another frame of mind -- I'd chuck Einstein and his buds out on their intellectual asses in favor of a great ..... ahem.


While you're pondering those thoughts, ponder another -- what's the gizmo at right made to do?


Anonymous said...

Looks like a hanger of some sort. The flat part of it would hook on top of something flat and skinny like a cubicle wall or a thin door of some sort. The front part would be used to hang like three pieces of garment in the enclosed circular area and the big hook area up front can be used to hold your hat or umbrella.

Lisa said...

Niiice. But what does it attach to? It's something very specific, and almost everyone has one.

Hockeyhick said...

A mirror?

Lisa said...

Nnnnnope....something else that's very thin.

Anonymous said...

You slip it onto your bra then you can hang your clothes off of the gadget while you stand in front of your mirror to see what your outfits might look like on yourself.

Hockeyhick said...

I don't wear a bra...


Hockeyhick said...

Does it hang on the shower curtain for hot-water steaming?

Lisa said...

Ha! Thanks for that picture in my head...but, alas, no to the bra idea. And the shower curtain isn't right either. The correct thing is transparent and is part of a bigger thing.

Hockeyhick said...

Window hanging hook for a hummingbird feeder?

Hockeyhick said... cable hook for a portable nuclear-powered Cymbian?

Seriously, a car window hook for clothes?

Lisa said...

YES!! Larry scores!

Hockeyhick said...

I did?


Was I even awake?