Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pondering and playing

Should I revive my li'l monkeyfriend? If so, should I bring him (or should she really be a 'her'...) out of the closet? I attempted to do mm on Twitter, but I hated the feeling of separateness from, well, ME. My consternation? All my other social media identities have a connection with my job.

Hmmm. Thoughts, my magical followers? Are you even still there?

Whilst pondering, I am playing with design. I'm not in love with the design tweaks I made this morning, but I like the bordello-inspired flavor. What do you think?

1 comment:

kamran said...

love the bordello, but the shrink in me wonders what is really holding you back?
I kinda doubt you have trouble making a grocery list.
or a must do list at the office.
or a bucket list.
or a who-would-you-do list.
or the contents of Elvis escape box.
or a geocache list of unusual bits.

writing isnt the issue.

do you think the kinda people who would judge you-for being you-would even be in this space?
as if they even mattered.
come back into the sandbox with us, lmc. the channel is immaterial, here, #fb, the twitters, a cool red leather journal. whatever.
just go with it.
follow your bliss.